
Musings & ramblings of a Pythonista

Packaging Python Applications

A few days ago, I came across a situation where I needed to create Debian packages for some Python libraries on which our software was dependant on. All these time we were creating and distributing the application as Eggs built using setuptools script. Later on this became a problem since some other applications which we were using were not Python applications and were packaged as .deb packages. This situation made us to build .deb packages for our Python software as well.

The real challenge here was packaging all the dependencies our Python application has brought in, as most of the dependencies were having only egg distributions. Luckily there was an extension to setuptools called stdeb which will allow you to generate debian packages using your script. It'll automatically add the dependencies in the debian/control file after searching for the dependencies using apt-cache. stdeb will do something like apt-cache dump | grep <package> to find whether there is a proper debian package for the dependencies. If they found the correct one in apt-cache, debian/control file will be updated with that information. But as I said, most of the dependencies were not packaged as .deb. So we downloaded all the dependencies using the easy_install command and created .deb packages for them using stdeb.

I will demonstrate the procedure with the Voldemort project from my GitHub Repo. The looks like this,

    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
except ImportError:
    from ez_setup import use_setuptools
    from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    description='Voldemort is a simple static site generator\
                    using Jinja2 and markdown templates.',
    author='Sreejith K / K7Computing Pvt Ltd',
        'Pygments >= 1.4',
        'PyYAML >= 3.10',
        'Markdown >= 2.0',
        'Jinja2 >= 2.5'
    scripts = ['scripts/voldemort'],

In this case all the dependencies were lacking .deb packages. So, we need to download them using easy_install.

mkdir deps
easy_install -e -b deps/ "Pygments>=1.4"
easy_install -e -b deps/ "PyYAML>=3.10"
easy_install -e -b deps/ "Markdown>=2.0"
easy_install -e -b deps/ "Jinja2>=2.5"
ls deps/
jinja2   markdown pygments pyyaml

Now you need to go to each dependency directory and issue the following command

python --command-packages=stdeb.command debianize

That will create a directory named debian which contain all the stuffs needed to create a .deb package. Now it is upto us to edit the control file and add any additional dependency if needed. To generate the debian package, do

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

Now you can build the main application debs by editing the control file manually since stdeb won't add the dependencies. But you know you have them in your hand :-).

Tagged under Python, Packaging, stdeb, setuptools, Debian, Linux

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